A concept created for a Banking Company. The goal: evolve their ecosystems of Apps to be integrated under an effective, scalable, and unique user experience.

For years, we were working for a major Banking company. For that same amount of time, we could experience, as clients and providers, a complex Customer Experience that critically impacted retention rates. Clients left the bank after experiencing multiples experience and performance issues across multiple apps and devices.

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This concept was defined, prototyped, and tested to generate insight and a clear consciousness inside the company about the need to invest in design and evolve the digital customer experience. Testing results were provided to inform and demonstrate the positive impact on client satisfaction and, therefore, how we could revert the negative trend of retention rates.

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A new iconography set was created to inform clients and help them navigate the different digital platforms the proposal could affect.
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One of the proposal's critical elements was helping users navigate their financial information easily. Creating clear navigation to differentiate services and financial products was critical to helping customers simplify their experience and operations. We worked on a clear information architecture and navigation to achieve the goal.

Finally, we tried to expose the benefits of working on a simplified design system that could allow the client to scale and iterate the products easily into the future, helping solve multiple problems on time to market and designing decision-making processes.

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Hsbc App Components Details Navigation Min
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