Helping companies to grow, compete and scale by creating value through design
25 years and more than 150 projects.
Responsibility at the core

As designers often live inspired by the beauty, meaning, and ideal of the good impact we want to make with our work. However, being a designer today means dealing with a critical amount of complexity, noise, and rush that dramatically increases the probability of failure on digital projects.
Being aware of how easy it has become to produce meaningless or, even worse, harmful products that can damage clients, people, companies and communities is essential to creating quality products and companies that can work at a human scale never seen before.

As a designer and human, I believe becoming a good professional today prepares us and our companies for what can go wrong as much as we prepare to produce beauty and quality. Understanding honesty problems companies face and using design as a core tool to solve them has helped companies across the world, not just to achieve better business results but become more solid, stable, and long-lived companies.

Design Principles
  1. Always offer high quality: Create digital products and experiences that aspire to make customers feel and understand they are working with respected companies that care about giving them the best possible quality. 
  2. Create differentiation: Use design to help companies compete by creating unique digital experiences that create long-term relations and loyalty.
  3. Create value for business and users: Think of both, the business results in the short and long term, and value for users. Think about conversion as much as about making users feel they are having a mutual honest interaction.
  4. Avoiding failure: Help companies, executives, and designers avoid failure by understanding how it can happen in their professional environments.
  5. Protecting users: High ethics standards to protect users, and by doing it, help them to understand the product and the brand is committed to protecting them.
About me

I come from a little town in the south of Madrid where, for more than 15 years, I led a small studio dedicated to visual identity and digital projects.

During this first period, my company attended all kinds of projects on different verticals. Initially, we focused on brand creation and communication for music companies, record labels, and artists, helping them create, develop, and expand their brands to new audiences worldwide. Visual identity and marketing became the core of the business, and digital design took a core place during this period as we created marketing and e-commerce sites that reach other countries and audiences.

From there, the company extended its offering, and we attended clients and projects for multiple types of activities and company sizes, from small start-ups focusing on social media and delivery to port and crane building organizations.

After that first phase, I moved to Latin America, where I could work in Perú and then México, where I´ve lived for the last six years.

During this last phase, I led teams and projects in companies like Interbrand and frog, managing projects in different industries: Health, Industrial engineering, banking, and fintech while working on building and scaling the design disciplines.